Thursday, May 20, 2010

Walk Like an Egyptian

Attended my daughter's school "performance" night about Egypt. (The flyer that was sent home to parents prior encouraged the boys to wear eyeliner as well as the girls, as it added something to the performance. I could hear the 4th grade boys simultaneous groan. I will note that I did not notice any eyelined boys tonight. God Bless their mothers!!!)

My daughter had to read a bit about pyramids which she executed to perfection-of course. But what really tickled my husband and I was that they did a singing bit to the old song King Tut. In this politically correct day and age hearing them sing " my favorite honky" made us smile. An ode' to Steve.

The kids all thought their mummy gags were HILARIOUS, which in turn made them hilarious. Nothing makes me smile like a child's reaction to goofy humor. Our last big elementary school event. One more week til middle school. I am mommy sad, but happy about the little woman she is becoming.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So I am thinking about mortality...

I am not a Cullen. I will die. I've been thinking about the unhealthy choices I make. I know that most of these choices are based on laziness and apathy.

But I look at my precious daughter and realize that if I am not driving to an early death, I am most definitely driving towards an unpretty one. I think about what responsibilities I might leave to her because I am too unhealthy to take care of things myself.

Her happiness is so important to me. I hope I can be strong enough to love myself enough to fix it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Boob Quake

I am smart enough to not equate the ridiculous rhetoric of an Iranian Islamic cleric to the mindset of a people. However, I do smile at Boob Quake and may have to let the girls out a bit on the 26th. I want to support Jen ( and science of course.) I live near the New Madrid fault so I guess you could call me a risk taker. Maybe a lil' sparkle powder to give them a shine. I love when the response to absurdity breeds the absurdity of a humorous response. Oh and happy Earth Day. I played in the dirt today and ate some dirt...cake.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter eggs, tulips, and my daughter wearing out the tires on her bike-I love. I hate-straight line winds, quarter size hail, and my neighbor's pine tree.

Played in the dirt this weekend. I can taste the lettuce and radishes.

Friday, April 2, 2010

I love the Witching Hour

Kissing midnight on the lips, listening to the rain. I can sit in this place for hours.